- "Start as soon as possible (the summer of your Junior Year). Don't just preform your CAS at random places or doing random things - do something that you're interested in and challenges you. Don't just jump around from activity to activity (preforming 3 hours at one place and another 3 someplace else) - show commitment to a certain CAS activity. Try to go over 150 hours! That really shows commitment and volunteerism. Try different activities that challenge you. Don't always volunteer at a banquet ushering or babysitting. Challenge yourself and show that you're willing to challenge yourself." -- Salwa Mikbel, Class of 2012
- "Try to aim for a wide variety of things to volunteer/help out with so you look "well-rounded". it also works to start volunteering for organizations that may interest you career-wise in order to get exposure. Look for opportunities within your reach so that they'll be more accessible to you and you won't see it as such a daunting task. Take advantage of you summer break to take on the hours." -- Amanny Sadek, Class of 2013
- "If you look at CAS hours as having a chance to help others instead of obligatory volunteer work then you are likely to have a better time doing the work!" -- Alaa Abukhazneh, Class of 2015
- "1. Try getting volunteer hours as many different places as you can. It'll make you more experienced. 2. Creativity, Action, and Service don't all stand alone! Try mixing them together! Be creative with service, giving back to people doesn't have to be boring - mix up your ideas! 3. Enjoy it! You never know what friends you'll make along the way!" -- Rimsha Siddiqui, Class of 2012
- "Never belittle an opportunity that comes your way and try to choose an activity with a consistent schedule." -- Thoraia Ali, Class of 2012
- "The main purpose of CAS is to get you out of your comfort zone and into the real world to explore your potential in different situations. Just try to volunteer in your community, do your best, and don't forget to have some fun while you're at it." -- Karima Alghannam, Class of 2016
- "Choose one volunteer opportunity (ex. library, hospital, etc.) and get as many hours as you can come there. Make sure to join a lot of clubs at school. Make sure you know the deadline for the hours so you're not overwhelmed when they're due." --Lillian Jundi, Class of 2016
- "Make sure to start your hours during the summer to get a head start and keep track of your hours by documenting." --Sarah Alafranji, Class of 2016
- "Try to make connections wherever you volunteer- that can help you get letters of recommendation down the road." -- Nimra Syed, Class of 2012
- "Make sure to start your CAS hours in the summer, the earlier you start the more relaxed you will be through out the year! There are many things you do in your daily lives which you didn't know counts as CAS hours, just make sure you always log them in!" -- Sabira Sarwari, Class of 2016
- "Make sure to start earlier in the year so that when you have big projects and assignments you don't have to worry about completing your hours." -- Sadaf Amin, Class of 2016
- "If you're travelling in the summer, try to pick some volunteer hours over there too. Take advantage of any opportunities to be exposed to something outside your comfort zone." -- Noel Jundi, Class of 2015
- "Instead of running around looking for ways to get hours focus on a few organizations to join and stay committed to them. It'll fill up your CAS hours and look much better on your college applications." -- Zara Anwar, Class of 2013
- "Make sure to take advantage of every opportunity whenever you can." -- Summer Alafranji, Class of 2012
- "Do your volunteer hours with your friends because that'll motivate you to complete them faster and do something related to what you're interested in!" -- Uswah Sajid, Class of 2016
- "Do something outside of school!" -- Rola Ghobashy, Class of 2016
- "Try fundraising at Muslim organizations like CAIR or Islamic Relief, it'll make you more comfortable when you're volunteering plus they have a bunch of opportunities for young Muslims." -- Zunera Khan, Class of 2016